Want to be able to dance confidently and feel comfortable in traditional milongas of Buenos Aires?
Our teaching develops your musicality, connection, technique & improvisation with social tango, as well as insights into tango culture and critical skills to build your confidence with milonga etiquette.

Monday 15 April 2024

Every little bit counts

After more than a week of dancing in traditional Buenos Aires milongas, I’m reminded of some of the social niceties which contribute to a harmonious dance floor as well as an enjoyable individual experience.  (Not a word about cabeceo here.  That topic has already had plenty of coverage.)

Each and every dancer makes a positive contribution to the milonga by:

* taking care of personal hygiene beforehand & avoiding strong scents

* changing into dance shoes in the bathrooms or away from the dance floor 

* when not dancing, ensuring that they aren’t blocking others’ line of sight. If standing to catch someone’s eye, then stand behind the tables

* entering the dance floor with care, with the man seeking and getting the nod of approval from the oncoming leader, and then entering before his partner, to protect her. Start to dance immediately, thus avoiding holdups 

* not eating/chewing while dancing

* chatting only in between songs on the dance floor. Need more time? Then sit down to have a conversation. Chatting while dancing spoils the tanda for dancers around you

* dancing small, keeping feet on the floor, especially in a busy milonga 

* dancing in the ronda, in your lane - neither tailgating nor holding up couples behind you 

* avoiding contact with other couples. Any collisions, even minor, warrant an apology or at least an acknowledgement 

* escorting ladies back to their table

* clearing the floor efficiently during the cortina.

I love how these small things - put together - add up to something greater than their sum.  Congratulations to dancers at La Milonguita in Adelaide who do this so well!


Thursday 28 March 2024

Milonga Solidaria 2024 - Adelaide does it again!


Many thanks to all the dancers who attended Milonga Solidaria last week and those who donated cash before, during and afterwards.

Tango Salon donated the $520 taken at the door, and a further $1215 came in the form of donations from Dee, Joy, David N, Larry, Shaun, David B, Lidia, Mike B, Sheila, Monica, Joan, Steve, Alvin, Eva, Mariangela, Brett, Cris, Glynn, Mauricio, Su, Mark, Anne B, Liz, Paul M, Shaddie, Vicki,
Daniel, Robyn & Ray and Valerie.

On top of that, Mariangela organised a raffle with 10 prizes donated by herself, Sheila, Lucy, Trish N, Dee, and Susanna B.  Many thanks to Mariangela – the Queen of Raffles - for raising a further $335.

A grand total of $2070  … US$1314 has been collected so far.

We have committed to deliver US$1500 which means another AUS$292 has been added to get to this total.  If you haven’t donated yet and would like to contribute towards this extra amount, please let us know.

Monday 20 March 2023

Milonga Solidaria 2023

Many thanks to all the dancers who attended Milonga Solidaria last Friday - all of your $10 entradas will be donated by Tango Salon Adelaide to the milonga's project.

Special thanks to the donors of items/activities for the Silent Auction: Glen, Dee, Mike, Lidia, Adelaide Abrazo Tango, Sheila, Mariangela, Susanna, Cris, Robyn, Ray, Larry, Sonia, Lorraine, Pat & Bob.

Thanks again to the people who made donations in return for the silent auction items: Tricia N, Sheila, Dru, Vita, Sonia, Ellie, Mariangela, Lorraine, Anne B, Dee, Bruno, Vicki, Ray, Cris, Janett, David N, Eva, Alvin, Rebecca, Pat, Bob.

Finally, thank you to those who made cash donations: Ray, Larry, Joy, Hanako, Monica A, Nihada, Vicki, Paul M, Sheila, Eva, Liz, David N, David W, Rebecca, Maria, Cruz, Karlis, Joan and Glen.

Your generosity looks to have raised around $2,300.  This will be received with great thanks by Presente Escuelas Rurales for their volunteer medical services to remote communities in Santiago del Estero province of Argentina.

Wednesday 30 November 2022


Amongst the countless tango performances available on the internet, we may enjoy the musicality, admire the technique and marvel at the spectacle.  Yet, few performances truly move me deeply.  

We all know, of course, that Noelia and Carlitos are wonderful dancers.  Yet, what is it about this particular performance in Bratislava to "Lo vi en tus ojos" which has so much soul?

Wednesday 21 July 2021

The hidden codes of the milonga

Do you avoid busy dancefloors?  Are you unsure how to protect your partner?  How do you negotiate a busy dance-floor without disturbing other dancers? 

Navigation is a higher order skill for the male role in tango.  There's no doubt about it.  But get it right and the effect on your milonga experience will be profound.  You'll move with care and confidence, flowing with the dancers around you.  Your partner will place her trust in you and relax in your embrace.  

Here are some "hidden" tips from Royce's Tango Thoughts which can make all the difference.  Take a look at this video which illustrates many of these tips.


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